2Pac. So great. I'm adding California Love and Life Goes On to my running iTunes tab pronto. California Love is good for anytime... I've warmed up to Life Goes On more times than I can count. Such truth.
Yesterday, after a week of outside runs I went for a 7 mile run on the treadmill. I know a lot of people hate it, but I LOVE the treadmill. I like that I can watch the World Cup while working out. It's so much easier running on a flat surface in air conditioning. All the stats I could ever want are flashing in front of me during my workout. I'll even admit that I'm entertained by the cursor moving around the "track." (This isn't the exact treadmill I use, but close enough.)

The 7 miles on the treadmill were a lot easier than 3 outside in the heat. I ran 7 miles in 1:07:05 at an average pace of 9:35 min/mi. (The treadmill cuts off at an hour. Adding my two times up I got 1:06:50, but I think I lost about 15 seconds taking a drink of Powerade after an hour.) The 10k split was 59:39. That's the first time I've completed a 10k under an hour. It's definitely cool to know I did it, but at the same time I don't feel any different. Aren't you supposed to feel different when you check off a goal? I know for a fact every mile was sub 10 minutes. Maybe I'll feel different once I do this with a chip time. Who knows when that will be.
I have a little over 2 months until the VB Rock n' Roll Half. I think I will continue with the short outside runs and long runs on the treadmill for the next month. Once I'm back up to 10 miles, I'll go on a long run outside at 7 AM and see how that feels. I don't like getting up early to run unless it's for a race, so I'm going to do as little of this as possible. I'm hoping that by running shorter distances in hotter conditions, I'll trick myself into thinking its comfortable outside at 7AM.
One more thing: K'NAAN's Wavin' Flag (Coca-Cola Celebration Mix) is a FABULOUS song to run to. I downloaded it because I saw it on the Top 100 List on iTunes. Yesterday I think I repeated it about 3 times. I love the drum beats and the "Forever Young" parts!
Nice job! MOst I can bang out on a treadmill has been six! I admit though, sometimes I will do speed work ont he treadmill, then finish the run outside!
I love treadmill running, too! I can understand how most people would rather run outside, but not me when it's sweltering hot and humid like it is NOW!! Whew.... :-)
Great job on the 7 miles!!
You get the rock star award for getting a fantastic 7 mile mill run in! I am not a huge mill fan but I do run on it in the winter. I think that I just like being outside and enjoying the outdoors. I totally understand wanting to get out of the heat:)
You should make up a running CD and then market it to runners:) I would buy one!
Hey -- just found you and look forward to following your journey. I love the half marathon and loook forward to followign yoru blog!!
I'm not a huge fan of the 'mill, but mine isn't air conditioned and I'm alone in my basement. I'd probably like it better if I were at a gym. ;o)
Good call on getting out on the roads before your half marathon. The treadmill runs a lot different than roads do so you'll want to give your sweat glands lots of practice before the big race :)
Great job on that run! Your pace was waay faster than mine :) Treadmills make me ouch! Glad you can handle it though. It does beat this heat.
Love that song!
I did the same exact thing as you... I read your posts already, but I have yet to comment. Here we go...
The heat has been absurd in NY lately... I've been soaking a bandana and tying it around my neck. Whoever thunk to run in the ac? Thanks for the tip. HAHA!
Also, I'm gonna download that song... love the drums!!!
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