(No homo.) The kids I babysit actually learned the rap part to Baby first. Then I of course HAD to. We cruise around town like this. I was happy to learn it's just as fun on a road trip. I think my family was impressed. Maybe just concerned, IDK.
Other note-worthy items from (Lexington) Kentucky.
- The bouncer at the bar we went to was wearing a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and Suspenders.
- The liquor stores there are called Liquor Barns

- A friend jokingly asked me if I ran into John Calipari or John Wall (from the UK Basketball team). It would have been amazing to say "Sup Cuz?" to DeMarcus Cousins...or challenge the boys to a game of HORSE, but that didn't happen. We did, however, see a Justin Bieber look alike at dinner on Saturday.

I didn't get a chance to run until I got back on Monday night. I just did 2 miles around the neighborhood....and actually walked on two uphills (oopsies). I was pretty achy and wiped out from all the riding in the car and decided "something is better than nothing, I'll push myself tomorrow."
Tonight I ran 3 miles on the treadmill in 29:52! That's the first time I've done 3 miles without stopping since the Shamrock Half. I'm getting to the point now where I have to push myself past what's comfortable. It's been so long since I've been able to do that, there's a slight temptation to be lazy, BUT, I want to be back bad enough that I'm sticking to it.
I really don't think there is anyway I'll be ready for a half marathon the first weekend in June. (The mileage increase would be a lot more than 10% per week. And it's not like I just didn't run, I've been hurt) Meaning my next [long] race will most-likely be the Virginia Beach Rock n' Roll Half on September 5th. Geez that's a long way awayyyy. But--- that allows plenty of time to PR in the 5k and 10k distances and work on getting faster. I'm thrilled to be running Advil free and that I have soreness that has nothing to do with an injury.
Also, a friend who ran a half marathon in 2:02:31 Sunday wants to start running together. Um..."Here is my ass, feel free to start kicking it." I'm pretty excited about this! My goal for 2010 is still 2:10:00, whether I hit it or not, we'll see...
woohoo...3 miles ticked off...now onto 4. I still have faith you will hit that 2:10...just look at the progress you have made so far :-)
CONGRATS! 3 mi is awesome.
LOL @ no homo
Love the aviator style glasses. I think my next pair might be those.
Now that is talent:) You go girl!!
Awesome job on that three mile mill run! Keep up the great work!
A Liquor Barn in Kentucky. Why am I not surprised!
Glad you are feeling better and able to get back to running! You'll be knocking off the long runs soon, but I agree better not to do the one in early June.
You're lucky to have a running buddy to kick your ass. That's like a free personal trainer. I sure could use that! Oh and I love the bieber look-alike and you so shamelessly snapped his photo at the restaurant. The other day I got a picture of some dude on the train with like a 12" afro. Seriously bad-ass.
Yeah for 3 miles! Good for you! I did my first 3 miles since my half this past week too. It was a great feeling. I too am feeling "lazy" as of right now. I looked up the rock and roll half marathon's on their website. I'm determined to do one. I wish they had one in St. Louis yet it would be really to run in another city. Chicago is the closest for me yet it's in August. There's no way I can run in the heat for 13 miles. I then saw the Virgina Beach half on Labor Day weekend. I decided that would be the perfect destination and the perfect time(i'll be off work that Monday). I have to have surgery that weekend now so so much for that. :( Maybe next year.
PS- Great time goal! Love it!
I definitely recommend them. Aviators are AWESOME. Especially when worn on a boat.
@un-Zen runner
Shameless photography of strangers is one of my many joys in life. The key is being somewhat discreet. Afroman sounds ridiculous!
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