However, the race in and of itself is worth its own race report. Spring Hill Elementary put on the race as fundraiser for the school and an effort to encourage physical fitness. From what I understand during recess students had the opportunity to “train” for the 3k by completing laps with their class.
I remember when I was in 4th grade there was a running initiative at my elementary school to run the number of miles that it would take to get to Atlanta, GA for the '96 Olympics. I felt so ripped off when I discovered there was no chance to win a trip to the Olympics. Like what was the point in running the distance as a school if I wasn’t going? Talk about pouring salt into an open wound. Every day I was reminded a vacation to the Olympics wasn’t in the budget of my fam, the annoying boy who had a crush on me WAS going, and I was one of the slowest kids in the class. I didn’t play sports as a kid… I took Ballet…so really I wanted nothing more than to play on the playground, but couldn’t because our teacher made us run everyday while her lazy ass watched us. This was actually something we discussed every day. Our teacher acted like running was so fun, but never did it with us.
The fact that the Spring Hill Fun Run/Walk was supposed to be a family affair was the first thing that caught my attention. Obesity in
Not everyone ran the 3k. I saw a few people running with strollers at a brisk pace and was really impressed at their level of fitness. It seemed like a lot of people used a run/walk “
We were all at the starting line behind a string. It was dropped without much of a fanfare, so most people started making a comment along the lines of “Whoa, it’s started.” Even when a big deal is made out of the start of a race, I still at times have that reaction. So, no biggie. I just quickly turned on my watch timer and started jogging.
Now, in most races I think it’s tempting to start too fast and if I’m not careful I’ll find myself trying to start at a pace that I can’t maintain the whole time because someone around me is. But, I don’t think anything compares to starting a race with a bunch of boys ages 8-10. A lot of them had no concept of pacing themselves…so I went from concern that they would run me over, to amusement as I kept on jogging and they walked around turn number 1. Amateurs.
I will say beating some young boys somehow made up for the fact that I wasn’t a good runner in elementary school. Sweet revenge if you will. Please overlook the fact that I’m 24 and many of them had a single digit age. [Because I am.] ;)
The post race festivities were really cute. Everyone hung out around the playground. There were water bottles, bagels from Panera, apples, and (though I dislike them) Chewy granola bars. There was a high school band playing….this one kid did a keyboard mash up of just about every song that’s well known or has been popular in the past year. I think he wrote it himself. It was really impressive.
Wait, you don't like chewy granola but you do like cliff bars? Too funny.
I'll admit that I would have loved it beating all of those kids. I remember during the 1 mile run in elementary school our pe teacher was always yelling 'PACE yourself'!!! Of course none of us knew what that meant
This was so funny to read because I also had one of those teachers! You know the one who enjoyed watching us go through hell as she sad and watched. I think she actually enjoyed seeing us all suffer! It looks like it was fun! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Great blog! Glad I found it and look forward to reading it.
sounds like a really fun way to start a Sunday. Nice report too :-)
Quaker Chewy's don't fill me up enough for fuel on a long run. They are essentially like eating a candy bar. And when given the choice, I'd rather just eat a candy bar.
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