Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Cannot Tell a Lie (or Keep a Secret)

George Washington would be proud of me. And Pinocchio's fairy too. I, however, am annoyed at my inability to keep a secret.

Within 48? Yes, 48 hours of signing up for the Shamrock Half Marathon it has already come up and out in conversation with a good friend who has run a MARATHON. Wait that's my ONLY friend who has run a marathon. So much for secretive and personal motivation. I think my running patterns were a dead giveaway that I was training though. And I brought up running on the treadmill... so I'm totally to blame. He's just intelligent.

I had anticipated a bit more time for the personal 'sink in' before announcing the news to anyone...

but whatever. Running is fun :-)
(Or so I say now.)

On the positive side, Running 2 miles this morning was nothing. And running 3.5 miles last night was also pretty easy. I love that my body is starting to go into auto pilot. I just pace myself and rock out to the iPod. I'm excited to go for the longer distances. 6, 7, and 8 miles. When I can run 4 miles with ease this should be doable.

Snaps for Hal... my faith in his plan is gradually increasing!

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