Saturday, December 13, 2008

Week 4

Well I am almost done with Week 4. I will be after I run 3.5 miles tomorrow morning. Today I ran 5 without any problems. I love when I start out not knowing which run I will do.. longer (5 miles) or shorter (3.5)...I almost always end up doing the longer.

I love pushing myself to run long distances. 5 miles isn't really that bad "It just takes some time." I feel so much more in shape too. How I felt the last time I ran the 10k. Back then, I was alternating between two and three miles about 4 times a week. Then I did longer runs occasionally.

The only difference is that now 6 miles is just a stepping stone. I remember when I felt purely exhausted after a 6 mile run on the track. Now my body is much more used to the longer distances which is good. I think I'm a bit more hydrated and eating better too. All good things and I am able to walk around comfortably after doing a 5 mile run. I don't think I have much else to share at this point. Except that it makes since that when I can run 5 miles very comfortably (as this plan prepares you to do) I will be able to run longer distances. I'm starting to believe I will be able to complete the half marathon without walking!

Week 4:
3.5 miles
2 miles
3.5 miles
40 min cross train
5 miles

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